Mondohonline terrà due relazioni a una conferenza nell’ambito del NUCE INTERNATIONAL (Salone Internazionale per l’industria Nutraceutica, Cosmeceutica, “Functional Foods & Drinks” e “Health Ingredients”) per affermare i principi della cura e della prevenzione delle malattie attraverso la nutrizione.
La conferenza si terrà il 25 Settembre 2012: dalle 10.30 alle 12.30 Fiera Milano city (vecchia fiera ), Padiglione 1- Sala De Felice .
Title: “Some Aspects Relevant to the Nutrition of People Physically / Mentally Disabled”. Chair Aurelio Viglia, (Biotech Group, AIDIC)
- “Is unbalanced nutrition a social disability?” An overview of MondoHonline: when the differences may provide new proactive solutions. Authors: Franca Castellini and Carlo Alberto Rinolfi, speaker Franca Castellini ( Mondohonline)
- “Nutritional pollution: when food is root of disease”. Aggregate Nutritional Profile of Countries Attending the Milan EXPO 2015 and Some Figures on Main Diets Composition Administered to Children in Two Different World Areas. Authors: Leonella Gori and Alessandro Quercia, speaker Leonella Gori (Mondohonline)
- “Historical Investigation on Medical Uses of Copper from Antiquity to Present”. Author and speaker: Aurelio Viglia,(Biotech Group, AIDIC)
- “Food not only as essential resource but, always more, as healing power for improved nutrition”. Author and speaker: Franco Bray (Bray Consulting)